Form Fill-up for UGB Semester III and V Exam. 2022
- List of Eligible Candidates
- SEM III B.A. GEN REGULAR Eligibility List
- SEM III B.A. HONS REGULAR Eligibility List
- SEM III B.SC. GEN REGULAR Eligibility List
- SEM III B.SC. HONS REGULAR Eligibility List
- SEM V B.A. GEN REGULAR Eligibility List
- SEM V B.A. HONS REGULAR Eligibility List
- SEM V B.SC. GEN REGULAR Eligibility List
- SEM V B.SC. HONS REGULAR Eligibility List
Step 1: Go to UGB Portal (for Form Fill-up)
Step 2: Go to College Portal (for Depositing Form Fill-up Chalan, Mark sheet of Previous Exam and Payment of Tuition Fee and Exam Fee. Be careful to select the Semester, i.e., Semester III or Semester V)
Step 3: Check your Form Fill-up Status
Note that:
- Status ‘Submitted to the College‘ means that the College has received your Form and it is being verified
- Status ‘Approved by the College‘ means that your Form has been verified and approved by the College (It confirms that the Form Fill-up is successful)
- Status ‘Objection, Contact with College‘ means that your Form has any wrong information/ other issue, so it is not approved. You need to contact to the Office for rectification (Note that this Form will not be approved unless it is rectified)
- Status ‘Payment due‘ means that the Form is submitted but the payment is pending (Note that this Form will not be approved unless the payment is made)
Click here to take admission in Sem III or Sem V (Only for those who have not taken admission yet)